Are dogs more like us than chimps? Maybe. Jozsef Topal of the Institute for Psychology at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences says so, in any case: "In my view, pet dogs can be regarded in many respects as 'preverbal infants in canine's clothing,'" he says, adding that many dog-owner relationships mirror human parental bonds with children. >> More here
Healthy Dalmatians?
Healthy Dalmatians? There's an idea! Here's the back story for those trying to keep up. Want to help set things right? Here's a start: an ipetition to the AKC asking them to allow backcross Dalmatians to be registered.
The Sibley Guide to Birds is Now Online:
Good news: the Sibley bird guides are now on line. Yes! Yahoo!
The Ironic Death of an Organic Farming Guru & Health Nut:
Jerome Irving Rodale was the founder of the organic food movement, the publisher and creator of Prevention magazine, and the author of a huge book on composting that my father used to own. In 1971, he told interviewer Dick Cavett that he'd live to 100. Moments later, the 72-year old Rodale slumped dead in his chair from a heart attack. That episode of The Dick Cavett Show was never broadcast.

There are now far more Gouldian Finches in captivity than there are in the wild. How many other animals is this true of? The Siberian Tiger, and most other subspecies of Tiger I think. The Hyacinth Macaw, I am pretty sure. Cotton-top Tamarins. Anything else??
Different Strokes:
The opening of the old TV show, with different music. Yes, music does make a difference!
50 Things Every 18-year-old Should Know:
Basic stuff we should all know. Now, what are the 50 things a 50-year old should know?
God Hates Figs!
Yes, you read that right. God hates figs. See Mark 11: 12-14 and Matthew 21: 18-20 and Jeremiah 29:17 for conformation. I am pretty sure God loves everything else, however!
First Gorillas, Now Orangutans:
National Geographic says a large population of over 2,000 Orangutans has been discovered in Borneo. This follows the new discovery of a very large (100,000) population of Lowland Gorillas found in the Congo last year.
There are many more nene in captivity than there are in the wild. IIRC, a great deal of the captive collections are still in the UK.
The extreme example would be the dromedary camel. There are no true wild dromedaries left in the world today (although there are plenty of feral ones in Australia), but domestic ones are quite common.
Every time I read about the Dalmation's urinary stones, the spinal bifida of Rhodesian Ridgebacks and any of the other genetic problems of other breeds I get an urge to dope slap these people, they show no common sense. The dogs do not care how many or how dark their spots are but they sure suffer when these stones form and major surgery is needed to remove the stones from a dog's bladder.
How they can claim this is improving the breed? Where's the breed standard for humans?
Red-fronted macaws. They've bred well enough in capitivity to be considered almost common, but there are less than 200 left in the wild. Northern White Rhinos may be extinct in the wild (there were four, but they haven't been seen in a while). There are eight in zoos, but most are too old to breed. I went to the San Diego Wild Animal Park, which hosts a lone, eldery female of this species, and couldn't get over that I was looking at the last of such a magnificent species.
Wow, that link with the "things every 18yo should know" is surprisingly uplifting, with some real information. I was half-expecting some kind of "Everyone should know Civil War history" kind fo document. I love #6, so true! I could knock so many people over the head with these...and of course I deserve a few lines too. :P
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