Wednesday, October 18, 2023

What Is It?

I was tooling down the road through farm country to get back up to the mountains 4 or 5 miles away, when I passed what looked like an extremely large crow. I stared at it, and then did a U-turn. 

Was that a Raven?  And what was that pie-colored thing just beyond it?  By the time I got the car arounds and stopped, I had a pretty good idea what the pied bird might be – – a second or third year Bald Eagle. I squeezed off a few shots of the Bald Eagle and then looked hard at the black bird. Was that a Raven?  I think it is.


Taku said...

Yes on both identifications i think

Lucas Machias said...

Yes a raven.

Lisa said...

The black bird is definitely a raven. We have loads of them here. Really cool birds to have around.

Mark Farrell-Churchill said...

Good call on both counts.

Karen Carroll said...

Young bald eagle is the harlequine colored birdf, in transition to adult plumage.

The corvid is a raven. And yes, I've seen ravens in Maryland, mainly at the Cactoctin mountains.

kelly said...

No Doubt: That is a raven! Note the bristles on the upper beak and shaggy throat. Given that there were Flamingoes (Flamingos?) in WI this year - birds can be anywhere now! Good eye!

eldri said...

I believe it is a raven. It is Big. It also has a raven's bill.
Quick check: make a circle with your thumb and forefinger,(bird head) hold your thumb up to the join point, then your pinkie.(bill) if the birds bill is closer in size to the thumb, Raven. If it has a smaller bill, in proportion, a Crow. We have both where I live, in Northern California. This works here, but, there are Many kinds of ravens and crows...It might not work on all of them.

Ravens often (but not always) fluff out the neck feathers to make a Beard

Julie and Kevin Ellingson said...

Definitely a raven. Huge beak and that set of bristle on the mandible are markers.