Sunday, February 06, 2022

Robot Patrol Dogs on the Border?

The US Department of Homeland Security is testing the use of quadrupedal robot "dogs" on the southern border, ostensibly for "surveillance".  DHS has shared no timeline for full deployment, but says the trials were “successful”.

I know a bit about US land border security, having written the first study on that subject -- the report that first proposed building a "wall" (aka a sunken fence) across 200 miles of highly-trafficked border south of San Diego and in a few spots in southern Texas. 

Secure fencing, of course, was later supported and funded by Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Diane Feinstein.  

That said, I am not enthusiastic about the use of robot "dogs" as they are very expensive, hard to deploy, easily damaged, and are inherently dehumanizing.  And does the Border Patrol actually need to be more dehumanizing?  I think not! 

What's next, killer drones equipped with tasers? Actually, that's already been suggested be a for-profit company selling such a thing, and drones are already in use by the US Border Patrol.

As for the company selling the robot dogs, Ghost Robotics, has previously showcased a four-legged robot equipped with a robotic sniper rifle on its back.

If the Border Patrol is looking for a project, might I suggest an aggressive program of de-Nazification?  

Get rid of all the Proud Boys, Klansmen, Three Percenters, Neo-Confederates, and Patriot Front members.

Get rid of all the folks with tattoos, patches, and bumper stickers supporting racism and authoritarianism.

And, above all, get rid of the National Border Patrol Council, which is a far-right open-sewer of hate and support for anti-immigrant violence.
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