Sunday, March 24, 2019

Coffee and Provocation

White Male Racists are a Problem
Every single American murdered by extremists in 2018 was murdered by a white supremacist or far right extremist.

Guns Are a Problem
More children were shot dead in 2017 than on-duty police officers and active duty military combined.

Trump Is a Problem
Counties that hosted a 2016 Trump rally saw a 226 percent increase in hate crimes.

Jack the Ripper DNA Identifies the Ripper
He was someone suspected at the time.

Global Warming on Mount Everest
Melting glaciers are exposing dead bodies.

Re-Wolfing Isle Royale
After the wolf population of Isle Royale collapsed due to inbreeding, four wolves were trapped in Ontario and transported to the island by helicopter.

Rural Crime on the Rise?
The overall violent crime rate in Iowa rose by only 3% between 2006 and 2016, but grew by 50% in communities with fewer than 10,000 residents.

Two Amputations a Week
The cost of working in a US meat plant. On the upside, the pay is awful. Slaughterhouse workers made $11 per hour in 1985, equal to $25 in 2018 when adjusted for inflation. But 33 years later, the average slaughterhouse worker makes less than $14 an hour. Meanwhile, the CEO of Smithfield made $291 million in 2017.

Big Agriculture is Killing Farming
In the 1980s, farmers pocketed 37 cents out of every $1. Today, farmers take home less than 15 cents on every $1. This new economic reality forces farmers to survive on volume, creating a system where only the largest farms can make a living.

Ancient Birds Born to Run?
When are they gonna name a bird after Bruce Springsteen?

Tastes Like Common Sense
Samuel Adams has dedicated a new beer to Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

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