Sunday, January 28, 2018

A Coyote of a Different Color

Roberta Anslow took these pictures of an unusually colored coyote at Nauset Beach near Cape Code, Massachusetts. This animal me be a coy-dog hybrid.


Noel said...

NE coyotes seem to exhibit a very big color range, even more so than wolves. I've seen them in the typical brown with black guard hairs, almost as red as a fox, nearly black, and a few with strange patterns of white- including one with white pennies over its eyes. That one was DNA tested by a curious grad student. The term coydog came and went in this region after people figured out coyotes just varied in color.

tuffy said...

i agree with PBurns on this one. structurally, more than color, this animal looks like a coyote crossed with a dog.