Sunday, June 30, 2013

Rare Bird Cuisinart

Fox New reports of the rare swift that flew to Scotland from Australia, Siberia or Japan and which birders from across the area came to see:

There hasn’t been a sighting of a White-throated Needletail in the United Kingdom for 22 years, so nearly 80 birdwatchers flocked to Scotland this week to get a look, the Telegraph reported.

But instead of enjoying the world’s fastest flying bird soaring, they watched it fly into the small blade of a wind turbine and die.

The Needletail is the fastest-flying bird in flapping flight, with a confirmed maximum of 111.6 km/h (69.3 mph).  These birds almost never settle on the ground, spending most of their time in the air, with occassional visits to vertical clifts and tree trunks.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Daughter's New Car

Well, new to her
!  It has 24,000 miles on it and is a Honda Insight hybrid.  First hybrid in the family!  100 percent financed by her.  Free at last!  Bet she treats this car like she owns it!  Very proud of her.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Trans-Pacific Pigeon to End Life at Stud?

From ABC News comes this bit of avian heroics:
A Canadian avian rescue organization says a Japanese racing pigeon made an unscheduled, trans-Pacific journey from the northern island of Hokkaido before landing in British Columbia’s Vancouver Island last week.

The wayward bird was found on a Canadian air force base, exhausted and emaciated with a parasite but has since been nursed back to health by veterinarians at Mountainaire Avian Rescue Society.

MARS founder Maj Birch said the animal was so skinny it had lost most of its muscle mass.

“When they’re flying around they become dehydrated and weakened,” she said. “He may have landed on ships where there was no food, maybe rode on the ship until he felt like he could fly some more.”

Owner Hiroyasu Takasu tells ABC News the 1-year-old pigeon set off on his first race southeast of Sapporo May 10, along with 8,000 other birds. Only 20 percent of the fleet completed the 600- mile race, including the baby’s mother, who took the top prize, Takasu said.

But the stout pigeon had bigger plans in mind, flying 5,000 miles across the Pacific.

Canadian rescuers spotted Takasu’s phone number on a tag attached to the bird’s leg, and contacted him.

“I was so relieved he was found alive,” Takasu said, adding that he’d assumed the pigeon was dead. “[Birds] usually reach their limit in a week, with no food or water. This is a superior pigeon.”

Despite that, Takasu declined an offer by Birch to return the creature by plane, saying he worried about the toll additional travel would take on the bird’s already weak health.

Birch said Canadian officials initially requested the bird be euthanized, because he didn’t have the proper paperwork. When she explained the bird “had traveled on his own,” they classified him as a “migratory bird,” sparing him his life.

So what now for this storm-tossed pigeon? Well, believe it or not, he may live out the remainder of his life at stud. The Mid-Island Racing Club, in Nanaimo, British Columbia, says it wants to pair him with a suitable female to breed champion racers.

Looking for Planet Krypton, 1929

Enlarge this picture!  It is awesome.  It's from Shorpy and is captioned:  "Washington, D.C. Prof. H.E. Burton, 8/5/29."

This totally reminds me of The Little Prince.


Thursday, June 27, 2013

Terrier Type and the Preservation of Variation

This publication came in the mail yesterday. 

I had not heard of this one before, but I vaguely recall green-lighting the reprint of an old piece from the main web site on how to train dogs to do go-to-ground.

I like the title -- TYPE is what terriers and all working dogs should be. Where the world went wrong, in my opinion, is in the creation of breeds which are simply too fine a point on the pencil. 

Maintaining a breed within a narrow morphological "standard" requires too much emphasis on looks, which means too little attention is paid to health and work.

Pointers and Setters are a type.

Molosser or "butcher dogs" are a type.

Herding dogs are a type, as are stock-guarding dogs, running dogs, and sled dogs.

Sure there's a lot of variation within these types -- variation in color, coat, size, head shape, and even working traits. 

But that's the point. 

In the preservation of variation, you tend to preserve the long-term health of the breed, and you also preserve the variety needed to work different things in different locations and for different purposes. 

I am not saying that breeding has to be random within a type, but I am saying that when the world started splitting Norfolk and Norwich terriers into two "breeds" simply because one terrier had an ear up, and the other had an ear down, bad things were just around the corner.

Great Moments in Advertising

It looks like an Ontario, Canada pest control place has lifted one of my pictures for a pest control ad.

No problem. The original picture is below. The dog is Dash, a dog out of California come East for the experience.  The groundhog was released unharmed.

Texas Stupid (It's Bigger Down There)

Yesterday, Governor Perry of Texas called back the legislature to force them to debate an anti-abortion bill because he says all life is precious and sacred.

That same day, Governor Perry celebrated the 500th execution of a prisoner in his state since 1982.

Byron Versus the Bureaucracy

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Wild Indiana

A couple from Indiana, looking to protect their pets from what they presumed was a large bobcat stalking the neighborhood, accidentally shot a leopard.

It's unclear where the animal came from. It appears to have been about 9 months old.

Indiana allows private people to own Big Cats with permit, and this country is run over with fools who breed all kinds of Big Cats who then sell kittens to other fools who happen to have $400 to $800 in their pockets

Yes, that's right; you can buy a baby leopard for less than the price of a decent Border Terrier. 

The animal thus acquired will be "fun" for about three months, and then will spend the rest of its life in isolation in a cage before it is sold on to a dealer who will, in most cases, pawn it off to a purveyor of canned hunts in Texas.

Waiting for the Grand Klan Breakfast

These are patrons for Paula Deen’s restaurant in Savannah, Ga., "The Lady and Sons," as shown in a photo published in The New York Times.

These are Paula Deen kind of people; the kind of people who will tell you they are not fat, they have "curves." 

Also, they are not racist; now they are "southern".

"Curves" is apparently the new euphemism for cholesterol-choked, butter-slathered, and sedentary. 

Look at the curve of those legs as the knees buckle under too much weight. 

Look at the curve going up on the national debt as fat sucks $200 billion a year out of the health care system and another $300 billion a year from productivity.

Step One is admitting this nation has a problem. 

Labeling it curves is no help at alll.

And neither is calling racism "southern".  

Mange Again

It's not a massive problem (just the tip of his nose), and considering how many den holes I have sent my dogs down over the years, it's amazing they have only had a spot of mange once before (same dog, earlier this year). 
It does not help, of course, that I have a number of mangy fox running around the neighborhood, and there's no way to cull them since this is the suburbs and guns are verboten.  For his part, Gideon does not seem to really care too much, though I worry about sunburn on the tip of his nose!
I have dosed the dog on ivermectin, washed both dogs several times in pythrethrin-based shampoo, applied flea powder (Sevin, 5% Carbaryl) topically on the nose area, and also dosed the dog with antibiotics for good measure.
The hair looks to be coming back, but it's always slower right above the black tip of the nose, than most other places.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Coffee and Provocation

 Dog Harnesses are Complete Crap for Canine Safety:
 A non-profit called the Center for Pet Safety (CPS) has done the first actual tests on dog  harnesses and says that they ALL failed, turning dog dummies into projectiles and even decapitating a few. “We tested them to the child safety restraint standard and we experienced a 100-percent failure rate to protect either the consumer or the dog,” said CPS founder and CEO Lindsey Wolko. Bottom line: When driving, crate your dogs in plastic (not wire) crates. There is no other safe substitute.
Racing Pigeons as China's Newest Conspicuous Consumption
China’s rich are now spending vast sums on racing pigeons.  Video.
Pigeon Birth Control?
In the pantheon of stupid, this one gets its own room -- pigeon birth control.  If you have 150 pigeons that you need to "control," you buy a "feeder kit" at a cost of $190, and then you spend $8.70 a day ($190 a month) on birth control bait and, after a year, you have half as many pigeons.  I am pretty sure Tom Lehrer would have found this hysterical.
Silver Makes Antibiotics More Effective
It turns out that a very old cure -- silver -- can make modern antibiotics 10 to 1,000 times more effective if used in very small doses (in high doses, silver can be a poison).
Improved American Coffee
In 1968, Vincent Marotta and Sam Glazer, two high school friends, decided to start a coffee delivery service. While recuperating from brain surgery in 1970, Marotta got an idea: make a self-contained coffee unit that would heat the water to 200ºF and drip it through coffee grounds once, not over and over again, as the "percolators" of the time did. Marotta and Glazer hired two ex-Westinghouse engineers to design the product, and Mr. Coffee was born.  Marotta hired boyhood hero, Joe DiMaggio, to be the company spokesman and within three years the company was making 40,000 Mr. Coffees a day, with annual sales approaching $150 million.
A Small Bit of Good News
There are 14,000 McDonald's and 11,000 Starbucks around the country, but there are 17,000 public libraries.  So score one for books, not that anyone actually reads the paper versions anymore. The good news is that while the paper book is going the way of the buggy whip, it will be a bit harder to replace the 35,000 museums, zoos, arboretums, historical societies, art galleries, and aquariums in this country.  Bottom line:  It's not ALL golden arches and green mermaids on paper cups.
The Perfect Pet for ALL
Flat Pack Pets are for people who don't have time and space for a real animal in their lives. They’re made of 100% recycled cardboard so they can be left in your car on a really hot day, not fed for weeks on end, and they will never poop on the rug or wake you up early on a Sunday morning after a long night of drinking.  Perfect!
Cuckoos to the Congo 
Cuckoos in the highlands of Scotland are now being radio-tracked back to the Congo basin.
Miracles are Just a Failure of Imagination.
They are also a reminder that ignorance and mental illness always exist in various amounts and mixes.


Custer in Color with Terrier

Click to enlarge.  That looks a lot like a border terrier!


Birds and Bikes



Sunday, June 23, 2013

Got Wood?

A tree came down in the back yard -- a big black locust. I chainsawed it up today, and dropped the remainder of the trunk, but need more muscle to move the sections... and a decent truck too.  A green black locust is pretty heavy stuff!

Cool African Slingshot


You Don't Have Seniority

Friday, June 21, 2013

Michelle Obama Walks Her Pet Rhinoceros

The Interwebs reports:

Spectators outside the White House received a rare treat this morning when they witnessed First Lady Michelle Obama on the South Lawn going for a stroll with the family’s pet rhinoceros, Chauncey. “Owning a rhino is a lot of work, but all of the Obamas—and especially Michelle—really love Chauncey,” said White House spokesperson Sam Davidson of the 3,000-pound eastern black rhinoceros the family adopted in December after Barack Obama’s reelection promise to “finally get Sasha and Malia that rhino they’ve been wanting.”

For the record, President Calvin Coolidge had a Pygmy Hippopotamus from Liberia named "Billy" (aka William Johnson Hippopotamus) given to him by Harvey Firestone.

Born in the wild in the 1920s, Billy weighed more than 600 pounds and died in 1955, 22 years after Coolidge's own death.

Australian Cattle Dog Does in Hand Hand Stand


Thursday, June 20, 2013

Attack of the Killer Monkeys!

Monkeys on a raft was a popular story cover for men's pulp magazines in the 1950s for some reason.

Calling Sigmund Freud!

Of course, for all I know this may be the very few times there is a small element of truth behind the story (a sinking boat with a load of monkeys for the laboratory and pet store trade?), and so it was picked up and repeated by the pulp magazine purveyors of shlock and fantasy. 

Now about the covers below? 

Yeah, call Dr. Jung too.  This may be a two psychiatrist situation!


Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Good with Cats, Available, and Does Hand Stands

This terrific terrier is named Gizmo, and he's currently in Buffalo, New York.  He's been a rescue project by dog trainer Josh Moran of epic beard fame, and he is now ready for a good and stable forever home.  Josh is a hero and this dog is pure terrier in the best sense of that word.  You want an agility dog?  This is THAT DOG!  Look at that handstand!  
Josh writes:
Gizmo is 17 lbs, 4.5yrs old. I have gotten him to live comfortably with my 2 cats, and my 2 dogs. He's super affectionate, loves to train and is highly motivated by food or his ball.  Walks on the treadmill, and I have done some off leash work with him. Overall he's a great little guy who will make an active person a great companion.

This is his adoption page.  Check him out! 

Not a Mutant Monkey; an Inbred Gorilla

Inbreeding too often results in a doubling down of defective genes.  

A famous albino gorilla that lived for 40 years at the Barcelona Zoo got its white coloring by way of inbreeding, new research shows.

Snowflake was a male Western lowland gorilla. He was born in the wild and captured in 1966 by villagers in Equatorial Guinea. As the only known white gorilla in the world, Snowflake was a zoo celebrity until his death of skin cancer in 2003.

A few studies had attempted to get to the bottom of what caused Snowflake's color-free complexion, but the exact genetic mutation had never been found. Now, Spanish researchers have sequenced the gorilla's entire genome, revealing that Snowflake was probably the offspring of a pairing between an uncle and a niece.

What's this have to do with dogs? Quite a lot, as I have noted in the past.


Attack of the Leafy Spurge

This is the post no one will read. At some level, I don't blame them -- it's hard to learn about plants without seeing them, and so many plants look alike. On the other hand, it's a little disconcerting that the average person going into forest and farm cannot name a single common plant or tree. This is not to say I am any good at it either -- but I at least try.

One reason to learn a little about plants is that they can tell you a lot about the water level, the drainage, how recently the soil was disturbed, and what might be grazing in an area. Plants also convey a little environmental history as well.

If you are looking over a field and see a large poke berry thicket rising up in the middle of it, for example, there's a good chance a groundhog den will be located there -- the poke berry will have taken advantage of the disturbed soil at the edge of the den hole to germinate its seed. By looking at the age of poke berry plants in a hedge, you may be able to get some idea of when the area was last plowed or cut over -- the larger the poke berry, the more likely the dens are going to be a bit older and more well-established.

Conversely, if you see the beautiful purple flowers of iron weed growing across a low swale in a field, you can give that area a pass -- it will be too wet for a den.

A lot of the plants we see in our hedges and border areas are non-natives. These included multiflora rose, ghetto palm, Chinese tear-thumb, mimosa, Japanese honeysuckle, kudzu, oriental bittersweet and garlic mustard.

An invasive we found a lot of this last weekend was Leafy Spurge (Euphorbia esula). There are a bunch of spurge types, and they all look different. Leafy Spurge is aggressive even among spurges, and it can quickly suffocate field edges if they have been disturbed by a plow and then left to fend for themselves. This is a plant that was once described to me as "horse tail," but in fact it is not related to that ancient plant; it may simply be a local name for the weed.

Right now, before Leafy Spurge flowers, the 3-foot plants look a lot like tropical aquarium plants, with rosettes of thin upright leaves around central stalks. In a few weeks, the odd yellowish flowers will begin to come on, making the plant appear greenish-yellow -- a bit like a field of turning-to-flower rape seed.

Leafy Spurge is really quite pretty. The down side is that it is quite useless as a forage for cattle, deer, and horses, and it is so aggressive that it tends to drive out everything else that can be eaten by wildlife.

If you break Leafy Spurge in half, a white milkish sap will ooze out. This sap is most common in adult plants, and its presence is what puts off deer, cow and horses. Deer may graze on very young Leafy Spurge shoots in early Spring when there is very little milk sap, but they will give it a pass by mid-Summer when it begins to flow. Turkey and other birds seem to have little or no interest in the seeds.

Leafy Spurge showed up in the U.S. in the early 1800s, first migrating to the U.S. from Eurasia, perhaps as a stow-away in a bag of farm seed. Tumble weed (aka Russian Thistle) arrived on our shores much the same way.

Leafy Spurge was first recorded in Massachusetts in 1827 and it quickly spread west and is now found across the U.S. except for the southeastern U.S. below Virginia.

In Virginia and Maryland, Leafy Spurge seems to be doing quite well -- I assume the slightly hotter and moister climate farther South is too much for it -- at least for now. There appear to be several varieties of Leafy Spurge, and new American hybrids seem to be occurring naturally. Before it's all over, Leafy Spurge may yet find a way to colonize the South.

Leafy Spurge is spread by seeds which readily germinate in disturbed soil. Once this plant takes root, it is very difficult to winkle out by plow and poison.

The root structure of Leafy Spurge is key to its survival -- not only does it have long surface-running roots capable of sucking up lots of water (and creating new colonies of Leafy Spurge), but is also has deep tap roots which can shoot six or seven feet underground in order to tap water unavailable to other plants. No matter how hot and dry the summer is, a field of Leafy Spurge is likely is look prosperous.

Biological control offers some small hope of controlling Leafy Spurge. The U.S. Department of Agriculture has imported six natural enemies from Europe, including a stem and root-boring beetle, four root-mining flea beetles, and a shoot-tip gall midge (whatever that is). Large scale field-rearing and release programs for these insects are being carried out by federal and State agencies in many northern states. While the results are not immediate, they are impressive over time ... so long as pesticides are not used.

Another option that works well to reclaim pastures overgrown with Leafy Spurge, is a herd of goats or sheep. While cows and horses generally prefer grass, and will give Spurge and other forbs a pass, the goats and sheep will readily attack the Leafy Spurge and seem to prefer it over grass. Over time, sheep and goats can transform a field from a "waste case," to grazeable pasture, as the picture below suggests.

A spurge-infested field in Montana is cleaned up by goats and sheep at left -- a job not accomplished by cattle and horses at right.

Monday, June 17, 2013

John Brown, 1871

John Brown, 1871, with some of Queen Victoria's many dogs.

Brown was have been a great deal more than a "faithful servant" and a "good friend."  They slept in adjoining rooms and Queen Victoria commissioned a portrait of him and, after his death, she had a life-sized statue of him built on the grounds of Balmoral Castle. 

When Victoria died,
she was buried with a lock of Brown's hair and his photograph in her hand (hidden by flowers), and a ring worn by Brown's mother and given to her by Brown on her right hand. 

The marriage between Queen Victoria and Prince Albert, which preceded the arrival of John Brown, was an arranged one between first cousins. Victoria proposed to Albert after a formal "courtship" of only four days. They were both 20 years old.

Far from being a frigid prude, Queen Victoria was a randy young woman, though she did not have much encouragement.  Prince Albert installed several locked doors between his bedroom and hers in order to keep her out!  There were rumors that Prince Albert was gay, but if so someone did his part as there were quite a number of children and Queen Victoria herself compared herself to a rabbit.

Your Life as a Dog


Leash Problems


Not only leash problems, but a terrible plague of Scottie dogs and penguins as well, and a reminder that one of the reason that we now buy our underwear from China is that American elastic was so bad that women's underwear routinely fell to their ankles without benefit of Tequila.