Thursday, June 27, 2013

Texas Stupid (It's Bigger Down There)

Yesterday, Governor Perry of Texas called back the legislature to force them to debate an anti-abortion bill because he says all life is precious and sacred.

That same day, Governor Perry celebrated the 500th execution of a prisoner in his state since 1982.


boct said...

..perhaps it makes perfect sense in the context of 'human industry', and in the pipeline of such..more births (of the illegitimate kind) begets more possibility (probability?) toward execution celebration..there's aspect to commerce, revenues, and enterprise as

someone has to house em' and hang em''s a viable and necessary industry some would argue..some like Gov Perry..?

Purely a ponder of possibility..not an actual opinion.

SilenceIsGolden said...

I think few serious people would equate the life of an innocent and viable child with that of a convicted murderer. But then, few on the left deserve to be called "serious".

PBurns said...

A fetus at 20 weeks is neither viable nor "innocent" (whatever the hell that means). It's a bit of protoplasm that is about 6 inches long which has no past, no memory, no one who has ever met it or known it. It is as much a full "human" as your left lung is or your right breast.

An adult human being, however, is an fully alive individual with a mother, a father, and a real history which often comes with a spouse and children attached. This person on death row has, for the most part, been given a bottom of the barrel criminal defense lawyer, which is why over a hundred people have been provably and wrongfully killed by the state. Here's the list >>

Rick said...

The pro-lifers would get a bit more respect from the rest of us if they respected all life.

boct said...

My comment was of cynicism toward the possible mindset of leaders and brokers of commerce and industry.

A wide, 'to the edge' suggestion of perhaps some rationale as to why one (of powerful status and intricate player) would endorse such contrasting views.

I do not endorse such..just taking a stab at what could be the reason for a person of influence having such polar views.

The penal system is a big industry..privatized for the most part I understand.

My own fault for not writing clearly and documenting incomplete thoughts.

PBurns said...

I always find is fascinating that for the right-wing nut jobs a "miracle of life" in the womb becomes a "sniveling little welfare cheat" the moment it is born.

The simple truth is that the GOP is not pro-life; it is pro- violence, anti-women, pro-kicking the poor, and anti-education.

The good news is that no one listens to religious nut jobs anymore on this issue.

Even Italy and the Vatican have state-paid birth control and abortion on demand.

The Italians also do not have capital punishment, proving that they actually DO know the difference between "life" and protoplasm.

Mailey E. McLaughlin, M.Ed. said...

"Pro-life" is not about protecting the unborn.

It's about making women suffer the consequences of their slutty actions (because, yanno, it's always the woman's fault). You are going to keep that baby as a reminder that you were sinful (because, yanno, no married couples ever consider abortion). Can't afford it? Oh, well. Sucks for you (No, it sucks for the child.) Don't ask for help from the State!

That a huge swath of people can be against abortion and also steadfastly against birth control is proof that religion inspires ignorance.

Birth control prevents abortion. It's as simple as that. Unless you are a right-wing moron who thinks women are too stupid to be in control of their own reproductive systems..