Monday, October 11, 2010

Sled Dogging with Chihuahuas?

I may have to try this with a trio of Jack Russells!


The meanderings of a history hound said...

I showed this clip to my 8 year old daughter, who decided that in addition to hunting with a dog, this would be great fun to do too.

She's still trying to convince her Dad that she needs her own dog, preferably a patterdale terrier or a border terrier.

seeker said...

There was a guy who ran the ididerod with poodles. Here's the article (and a song) about him.

And I know your JRTs would pull you on a scooter.

Debi and the Tx JRTS

Doug said...

I've done this with two terriers and a bike. It is great fun, and the dogs loved doing it. You just had to be careful when a rabbit was spotted near the road, the dogs sometimes got distracted.

Viatecio said...

Cute, but I'd still love to try skijoring first if I'm going to involve myself in something that requires my dog to pull ME. Snow is a little easier to land on!

Jenn said...

You know, that would be great if they were IN HARNESS.

Having dogs pull by collars is one of my huge peeves. And with little, prone to trachea collapse dogs? Argh!