Does the state seal of Virginia give you the hots?
No? Me either.
Maybe we're not repressed enough.
At least that's what I'm thinking after hearing that the new, right-wing, bat-shit crazy Attorney General of Virginia has decided to unilaterally change the 80-year old state seal of the Commonwealth in order to hide a female breast.
That's a breast?
That's a woman?
That's what's got the Attorney General of Virginia hot and bothered?
Sic Semper Tyrannis, indeed!
I used to try to understand the repressed fundamentalists. I really did. But they defy logic. And I simply cannot swallow the crap they preach. So I stopped trying.
Does that state not have ANYTHING more pressing to deal with?
Oh, maybe the bustle belongs here.
Is he afraid of earthquakes too?
What??? I thought that was just a guy with a saggy man-boob.
I guess bare saggy man-boobs are unacceptable in Virginia as well.
That does not bode well for the majority of their population.
It's just another wardrobe malfunction pay the fine and get over it.
Might as well ban bikinis and lass from the beaches, pools and rooftops.
How weird. To me, that's clearly a man who has vanquished the tyrant. How about that phallic symbol of a sword, I mean how blatant is that?! ....I'm off to a cold shower.
I read a little further. It appears the AG chose an older historical design, paid for out of his own pocket, & distributed to his staff. He made a joke about the modesty and everyone is running with it.
So actually the reaction about the pin is sillier than the privately financed pin itself. Whatever the legitimate complaints about the AG, this pin is a trivial. Personally, I prefer the bare boob version, because the tyrant is clearly dead. If you're going to do the job, do it thoroughly. :-)
The "older historical design" has never been the state seal of Virginia. See >> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seal_of_Virginia for the history.
This is not the first time, the fundamentalist right wing has run screaming from a breast on a statue of justice. See >> http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/1788845.stm
There must be a thing with left boobs.
There's one showing here.
In the movie 300, there was a significant amount of left boob-age before all the fighting stuff started.
I've read that in Avatar, Neytiri's left boob is visible somewhere. Can't really verify that yet.
Maybe we just need to accept our new fashion and go around with half-shirts.
In all seriousness though, if that IS a woman, then obviously, the feminists completely missed their mark: "Here is a state for YOU, bra-burners! Vanquish the evil testosterone-charged chauvinists!" I haven't exactly heard much in the way of radical feminism coming from that state, but then again, not living there puts a cramp on getting a lot of news from the locals.
I read (in the New Yorker, no less) that James Cameron insisted that the Na'vi babes in "Avatar" have breast, even though they are not a breast-feeding species. (Although how that was determined wasn't exactly clear in the article.)
He just knew they had to be blue ... and boobalicious
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