Saturday, March 08, 2008

Obama Wins Texas!

Remember when Bill Clinton said Hillary had to win Texas?

Well, guess what?

She lost it last night, as I predicted last week. Notes National Public Radio:

"The Texas Democratic Party says Obama's wider caucus margin will probably give him a 37-30 break in the delegates allocated from the caucuses. The primary had almost twice that many delegates at stake, but Clinton's primary margin there was much narrower. So when the two steps are all done, the projection is for Obama to emerge with 98 delegates to Clinton's 95."

Hmmm .... When this becomes official sometime in the next few weeks or so, does this mean Hillary will drop out? Will Bill have an intervention?

Or will Hillary now say Texas does not count because it's suddenly become a "fly over" state like Virginia ... South Carolina ... Maryland ... Wisconsin ... Minnesota ... Hawaii ... Washington ... Illinois ... and all the rest.

Hillary can keep moving the goal posts, but she's already run out of field.

Magical thinking is fine when you are age eight, but at her age they normally prescribe a pill.

For those wondering why Texas Democratic Party officials are not calling these the "official" numbers yet, that's because the final results from Tuesday's caucuses won't be certified, under Texas state law, until county-level conventions convene on March 29.

That said, the last batch of "unofficial results" have been released and these are the true numbers.

Hillary lost Texas, and Barack won it.

And for those who want to read what really happened in Ohio, see Did Clinton Win Ohio on a Lie? by Paul Loeb, where he details who really said what, to whom, and when.

A reminder that I said earlier that Hillary was a liar and a cheater. Was I wrong?
No matter. All will work out right in the end. It usually does.

Check out that sign at the beginning -- Bill Clinton for Vice President. Right.


Anonymous said...

Canadian media continue to report that Billary won Texas. Are they being (typically) inaccurate?

PBurns said...

I think the word I would use is conveniently inaccurate. Since, by law, the Texas Democratic Party cannot report the "official" results for 3 weeks, the press gets to contrive a story that Hillary won Texas until those results are official, and which point they put out a new story to sell more newspapers. The Obama folks are actually OK with this, as their campaign keeps rolling forward gaining delegates, and an "Obama won Texas" story will only help just prior to Pennsylvania. The converse story up until then does not seem to have hurt them judging by the results in Wyoming (Saturday) and Mississippi (coming up Tuesday). At this point, there is no way for Hillary to win elected delegates, and Super Delegates would have to break 67 percent for her and only 33 percent for Obama. Not going to happen.


Anonymous said...

Thanks. Your system is much more complicated than ours here in Canada.

I have liked Obama since he was a senator, and I'm hoping he wins.

Hillary just comes across as totally phony to me when I see her on news clips (yes, we get lots of them). Very stagey and prescripted.

You can see the light of intelligence in Obama's eyes, the decency and the diffidence. He's the real deal.

Here's hoping. The world needs a guy like that right about now.