Wednesday, January 15, 2025


Chase any problem on this planet around, from global warming to water pollution, from species loss to fisheries collapse, and you will find too many people is the root of the problem.

When bees get too crowded, a hive will make a second or third queen and split off a swarm to find a new location.

But where will we humans swarm off to?  Mars?  

Hell, we can’t even manage this planet!

Behind every vegetarian is a vegan asking “how can you wear shoes,” and behind every vegan is me, asking them — and everyone else — to have fewer kids.


Shelly said...

I've seen a number of thoughtful overpopulation posts from you and am aware of your early years in north Africa, which I am sure give you a unique perspective. What do you believe to be the best solution to cutting our numbers?

PBurns said...

Three things: 1) Improve the status of women l; 2) Make every kind of effective contraception easily found and completely affordable; 3) Strengthen income support for the elderly and disabled so lots of children are not needed as a “safety net”.