Saturday, March 05, 2022

The Start of the Second Amendment

On this day in 1770, the British gunned down 5 Americans who were armed with sticks and snowballs, starting the American Revolution.  I referenced this day in a post a couple of weeks ago, and explained the origins of the Second Amendment some years back:

The Good Old Boys of Virginia -- Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and George Washington -- knew that power belonged to the people only so long as the power of the state could be met with an equal power organized by the populace at large working in tandem.

Guns were not to be used capriciously, but they were part of the long term plan crafted by our Founding Fathers to protect this great nation from powerful, cunning and patient forces of oppression -- whether those forces came from within or without.

The leadership of Ukraine has recently been taking notes, as has the government of Moldova and Poland.

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