Thursday, February 17, 2022

Ukraine Needs More Private Guns

IMAGINE if the 41 million people in Ukraine owned 41 million guns and had over 500 million rounds of ammunition for those guns.

You think Russia would be threatening invasion, knowing what they would face those people, guns and bullets in an urban guerrilla war?

The Swiss get it when it comes to guns — it’s why nearly every house has a gun… and why no one tries to invade Switzerland.

For the record, a gun for every person, and ammo for the same, is the ratio of guns to people in the US.

Yes, it’s a crazy level of private gun ownership, but it’s also make us unlikely to be easily invaded.

If you think millions of people with small arms can’t defeat airplanes, bombs, and tanks, then you missed the lessons of Vietnam and Afghanistan and every nation that has thrown off the yoke of superpower colonialism.

When I posted this to Twitter, a fellow who goes by the Twitter handle of BostonMassMark said this was the "dumbest take on the internet,” as far as Ukraine was concerned.

I pointed out that "The Palestinians throw rocks because only Jews who served in the military can own guns. The Saudis remain in power because only air rifles are allowed. Ask anyone who has overthrown a colonial power. You ever lived in one of those countries?"

His reply was hysterical:  "Have you?" 

My reply was a list of African countries and a suggestion he watch The Battle Of Algiers, filmed only a few years before I lived there and a few years before the Algerian Revolution.  The Algerian revolution was not fought with Wiffle Bats or Atomic bombs.  

His reply was to say that he was "creeped out" by this topic, and he was blocking me (Oh the horror!)

Setting aside the cartoon-like pearl-clutching evinced here, how ironic is it that a fellow with the Twitter handle of  "BostonMassMark" did not recognize that AMERICA overthrew colonialism, and did not do it by hurling words from a Twitter soap box.  

Pictured, below, is a contemporaneous illustration of the Boston Massacre.

Frederick Douglas got it, even if today's "made for the moment" knee-jerk liberals do not:

P.S:  My own position on guns is not deeply hidden and there's a search engine on this blog for those who want to read more, but to summarize, I am hardly a "gun nut".  I support: time, place and manner gun restrictions;  background checks; mandatory insurance; gun safety courses; bans on certain guns, gun accessories and configurations; required gun locks, and waiting periods. Battles for freedom are mostly fought with rifles.

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