Friday, January 28, 2022

Why We Have Fewer Dead Kids and Dogs

This is current vaccine schedule for children. 

Note that many vaccines are three+ doses, and they sometimes require a booster later on.

This stuff is NOT new.

Vaccines are a requirement of military service, as well as public and private schools, and some foreign travel. 

Want to know about the history of vaccines?  See a short summary from this blog.

And are vaccines required for dogs?  They are!  

Rabies vaccines are required, and distemper and parvo too if you want your dog to live through puppyhood.  And, of course, there are other canine diseases to worry about

As I have noted in the past nothing has saved the lives of more dogs than vaccines.  

That said, there's no reason for anyone to fall victim to the Billion Dollar Vaccine scam perpetuated by many veterinarians. 

Vaccine vans can save you money on rabies shots -- and be sure to get your dog chipped and register the chip yourself while you are at it.  Other shots can be given by yourself if you prefer -- but a vaccine van will make it all quick, simple, and pretty cheap as well. 

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