Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Where Does It All End?

Where does it all end?

Fourteenth Amendment, Section 3, is triggered by a simple majority vote, and is NOT subject to filibuster.  See >> https://constitution.congress.gov/constitution/amendment-14/  Next year, after months of explosive public hearings and documentation, Trump and key House and Senate members WILL be sanctioned under 14A-3.

In addition, Liz Cheney was reading from 18USC Section 2383 yesterday — criminal referrals that require a MANDATORY 5-years+ in jail and/or thousands of dollars in fines AND ineligibility to hold any elected office in the U.S. See >> https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/2383  This will require DOJ charges and prosecutions, but Cheney’s reading of this specific section of the law is very clear sign that people will almost certainly go to jail, and that Target One is Trump himself.


Jennifer said...

Fingers crossed.

Girl with a Curl said...

The Manager's conclusion:

Occam's Razor.

Yet there is Garland and the DOJ

Girl with a Curl said...

The Manager's conclusion:

Occam's Razor.

Yet there is Garland and the DOJ

Is it too early in the morning to be writing?
