Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Set Up Two Cameras

It’s warm today, and I unexpectedly had some free time, as my wife’s cataract surgery got delayed a week due to a technician coming up positive for Covid.  What to do?  Why set a few cameras!

I set up two cameras far back on this property, past the high and dry fallow fields full of 5-6 foot weeds, down a slope and through a wetland to a loose forested area near a sizeable creek with many smaller rivulets feeding into it.

I’m hoping for coyote, but expecting fox, deer, raccoon, possum, and perhaps skunk.  

The understory in the forested area is severely deer-browsed, and deer trails and beds are so rampant that they seem to occupy nearly every inch of ground that isn’t in multiflora rose.

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