Wednesday, December 08, 2021

The Most Confederate Story Ever

It turns out that the guy who commissioned and owned the bizarre and ugly statue of KKK founder Nathan Bedford Forrest didn’t have enough money to cover the $5 million he willed to his dog, so they sold his trailer park to pay his debts and they’re taking down the statue. 

You have to admit, this is the most Confederate story EVER

Losers gotta lose, and racists gotta be racists, and white trash gotta be white trash. 

Jack Kershaw, who made the fiberglass statue, was the former attorney for James Earl Ray, who assassinated Martin Luther King Jr., and he was also the founder of a white nationalist organization called the the League of the South, which the Southern Poverty Law Center has designated as a hate group. His law school? The Nashville Y.M.C.A. Night Law School. No, I am not making this up.

In other de-Nazification news, the Charlottesville, Virginia statue of Robert E. Lee that sparked a contingent of Nazis killing a young woman and assaulting hundreds of others will be melted down to create "art that will reflect racial justice".

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