Wednesday, December 01, 2021

How to Dig a Latrine

Believe it or not, the outhouse -- and specifically instructions on how deep to dig the latrine hole -- were a massive leap forward in public health.

The trick is depth, because soil-transmitted worms (hook worms, whipworms, and roundworm) can travel four feet up, which is why you want a pit that, when used for years, is still deeper than that when "full".

How did we discover that sufficient latrine depth was critical to public health?

Believe it or not, early in the 20th Century (i.e. in the lifetime of my grandfather) millionaire John D. Rockefeller funded studies that discovered the cause of "southern malaise" that hampered productivity.

What his researchers discovered was the hookworms from shallow latrine pits were traveling up through the soil and infecting people through the soles of their bare feet, resulting in anemia, malnutrition and poor worker performance. Hookworms alone infected 40 percent of the population.

Rockefeller spearheaded a public health campaign in the South to “unhook the hookworm” by educating people how to properly install deeper outhouses that buried waste well past 4 feet.

There was, of course, blow back. Who was this northern millionaire to say southerners were dirty, diseased, and infected. And what was really going on with testing and treatment with Epsom salts and thymol? And hookworms? What the hell was that? Fake news! An imaginary ailment!

The good news is that despite initial opposition and reticence, the Rockefeller Sanitary Commission managed to get local and state health departments to embrace instruction, education, and inspection of outhouse construction.

The bad news is that even today about 12 percent of the global population practice outdoor defecation, mostly because they have no pit latrines.

The push for better toilets continues, with none other than Bill Gates taking the lead.  See below.

And though it's all deadly serious (literally), there's also a value in using humor to teach -- a point not lost on Bill Gates or "The Daily Show".

Is there an obvious parallel here with current Covid controversies?  I think so! 

And what does this have to do with dogs? Perhaps not much, but yes we DO I have a family dog (owned by my niece) who was rescued from a latrine in the Dominican Republic and is now residing with her and her husband in Florida. Mango is living the life!  

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