Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Permethrin for Pants, Yard, and Dogs

Permethrin (aka pyrethrin) is a very old, and very safe insecticide, once made from chrysanthemums and now formulated synthetically. I use pyrethran/permethrin dog shampoos to keep my dogs flea- and tick-free during the warm months, and a spray bottle is in the truck to keep ticks off my pants if I’m going through tall, thick brush. Pyrethran/permethrin is so safe it’s FDA-approved for use inside food factories.

I use already-mixed low-cost pyrethrin dog shampoo bought from Amazon on the dogs.

For the yard and my pants, I dilute agricultural permethrin. If you are going to dilute agricultural permethrin for animals, follow the directions. This particular 13.3 percent mix is diluted 2 oz. to 1 qt. of product in 1.3 to 66 gallons of water depending on the size of the animal, and then is sprayed, dipped or sponged on every two or three weeks.


Jo Mercer said...

What is it about permethrin that you can apply to your dog's skin, but not your own--just the outside of your clothing?

PBurns said...

Same for dogs and clothing, but the shampoo is already cut to proper dilution and has soap added. No soap needed on pants, and a perfect dilution is less important.