Tuesday, January 29, 2019

No Dogs, Thanks

What kills sheep?

Dogs kill sheep.

Cold kills sheep.

Fox? They kill sheep so rarely that a fox killing a sheep has never been filmed.

As I noted in an earlier post, dependency dog trainers, in league with the folks that need a "cause" to make a profit in direct mail and magazine sales, have worked to ban e-collars in Scotland -- an extremely reliable tool to train dogs to stop sheep worrying.  The results will be more shot dogs and more wounded sheep

Is that success?  Only if you don't give a damn about dogs or sheep.


Jennifer said...

Cold can kill lambs. Sheep, not so much. Will serves a purpose.
Here in rural NZ, no one gives a damn either way about e-collars. Dogs that bother sheep are shot. Wandering dogs are noted on local Facebook groups. Good fences make good neighbors and you're shamed if your dogs get out too often.

tuffy said...

wow Jennifer! as a sheep owner, NZ sounds like a paradise for sheep and shepherds! (of course the awesome sheep grazing culture there contributes too, IMO!). i can't tell you how different that is from policy here in the USA. even with great fences, we have 6 ft ones dug under, dogs do dig deep under occasionally and there is a lot of flack for killing pets, dead sheep or not :(

Moochies Mother said...

Well Tuffy, Not only the dogs are killing sheep but if you tell the owners, more likely as not they will deny or defend their dogs and never do anything about it. If their dog goes missing, you are the target. Don'
t ask, don't tell, shoot on sight.