I have no idea what is doing on here, but apparently this is something this dog trainer "trains" for?
A dog trainer with a best-selling book and a thriving dog training business posted the video to Facebook with a "no comment" introduction:
J___ D__ has had some rather unpleasant things to say about me as a dog trainer. In this video clip you'll see her repeatedly encourage her dog to mount and hump her leg. I don't really need to say anything about her methods. She does a fine job of it herself.
I don't think I can argue with him. What is going on here, and why? In more than 50 years in dogs I have never had to train a dog to hump me (or even not to hump me). Am I using the wrong cologne (I use none)? Do I need a better haircut (I am bald)?
Names omitted because this is not a personal attack; I just have no idea what is going on here. This is obviously being encouraged.
JD claims to be using the humping behavior as a reward. Not everyone agrees that it's an appropriate choice of reward. https://suzanneclothier.com/article/positively-abusive/
For being an unlisted video (I figured it was removed from public listing for some kind of copyright or owner's claim by JD, so I simply kept it available but "off-the-grid"), I'm shocked it's made the rounds about the internet the way it has. By far by most "unliked" video I've ever uploaded after I took voting privileges off the Gentle Leader one from several years back.
I've never let my intact male hump ANYTHING, much less a person, and I can't even envision using humping as a reward for anything. As you can see on my other videos, I can get some great obedience out of him just fine without invoking the behavior. I don't know what she considers "smashing" as a descriptor of obedience performance, but sit/down/spin for cookie are apparently her "standards," so take that as you will.
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