Monday, February 14, 2022

The Romance of Lies and Fantasy

A lot of romantic environmentalists believe things that are not true. These include:

  • The Sacred Subspecies
    Never mind if an animal migrates all over, and recognizes no subspecies distinction when it mates.  Every color or size variation, no matter how small and indistinct, must be elevated to prime and sacred, and every local extirpation must be mourned as a tragic "extinction".  If an animal is reintroduced, or two subspecies are mixed, we must turn up our nose.  The wolf, the peregrine falcon, and the mountain lion now on the land are of lesser value because they contain mixed or "non-native" genes.  The fact that here in the US we have more lions, wolves, deer, elk, beaver, bald eagles, coyotes, and fox than we ever had in the last 100 years must never be mentioned.  The only important story is the story of loss and adulteration.

  • Landscape Stasis.
    Forest can never be lost or gained, and neither can desert, grasslands, or coastline. No new trees, shrubs, or grasses can be introduced, and none can be locally lost. Any and all change must be mourned, whether it is caused by fire or the absence of fire, drought or flood, warming or cooling.  Whatever is happening is bad, and don't you know that we will only see more of it?

  • Magical Population Control
    Wild animals miraculously control their numbers, without birth control pills, condoms, or IUDs.  All animals die of old age, without misery or pain, on a morphine drip, and with waltz music laying gently in the background. Hunting is not needed because wildlife will magically find a balance, all on its own,  

It is all, of course,
complete poppycock.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Another: all species are equal.

Example...loss of the American chestnut left a great hole. Loss of a rare beetle with limited range will hardly be noticed.