Sunday, December 24, 2017

Theresa May Flip Flip Flops on Fox Hunting

Theresa May has proven herself to every bit of the duplicitous shape-shifting wind sock that we always knew her to be, announcing that she will abandon her plans to bring back fox hunting in order to concentrate on animal rights in order to woo younger voters.

Read that againIt's true.

And yes, if you are a British fox-hunting conservative then you were lied to.  No surprise here.  The word "conservative" starts with a CON.

Having destroyed billions of pounds worth of equity while trashing jobs and economic opportunity, May apparently thinks that in 2018 she will be able to rebrand the Tories as the "caring" party.


And the day that happens Donald Trump will be given a lifetime achievement award from the NAACP, and a 12-foot statue of Margaret Thatcher carved out of solid coal will be unveiled by Welsh miners.

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