Sunday, December 24, 2017

Coffee and Provocation

No-Snow Sled Dog Racing
Lack of snow means formerly snowy part of the US are discovering dryland sled dog racing.

Will Dog Food of the Future Be Made of Crickets?
Imagine feeding your dogs crickets raised in factory by robots.

Losing the Bloodhound
A police bloodhound named Texas joined a search for a missing man/ The man was found, but now police and firefighters have lost the search dog.

The Oldest Wild Bird Lays Another Egg
The oldest banded wild bird, a Laysan Albatross named "Wisdom" has returned at age 67 to lay another an egg on Midway Atoll.

A New Fungal Plague on Snakes?
A snake fungal disease (SFD) has been found in number of snake populations in Europe and the US. In the US, it has been predominantly found in rat snakes, milk snakes, garter snakes, and eastern rattle snakes. The fungal disease forms lesions on the snake's skin, and can spread quickly on the body.

Long Island Block Chain Tea?
The Long Island Iced Tea Corporation has changed its name to the "Long Blockchain Corporation" and the stock price has tripled despite the fact that the company seems to have no blockchain product or expertise at all.

Driving the Hoffman
The worst car ever built is a product of German engineering.

The Maker of Tides
The Earth was smashed by a rock the size of Mars to make the moon.

Bio-engineering Coral Reefs?
New lab-bred super corals could help avert global reef wipeout.


LRM said...

What an encouraging story about a hard-working lady...the best kind of work in the world. I hope she continues on.


Jennifer said...

On both SFD and coral reef links...we loose a lot by focussing on charismatic species and taxa. The fifth kingdom (fungi) and the low profile symbiotes in coral are bloody important :).

PipedreamFarm said...

The lost search & rescue bloodhound was found