Saturday, July 13, 2024

Fencing in the Good, and Fencing Out the Bad

For new visitors to this blog: Please read this before commenting as I do not waste too much time on folks who are too lazy to use the Google, who do not write in complete sentences, or who have clearly blown in from somewhere else to argue before reading.

Also, please note that this blog comes with a search engine in the right column. I am not sure why I should take the time to find information on this blog if you have not bothered to look for it yourself.

Finally, be advised that the world is a big place, and if what I write has put a wrinkle in the fabric of your universe, I am more than OK with you moving on. Seriously. I did not start this blog to meet you. If you take that line personally, see a psychiatrist.

No, nothing in particular prompts me to write this this morning. All is calm on this bend in the river. That said, I do like to set out the House Rules every once in a while, as I find it helps maintain order and keep the delusional, paranoid, stalkers, nutters, instant experts, fantasists, and fanatics at bay.

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