Monday, August 28, 2017

The Texas Flood

This is La Vita Bella nursing home in Dickinson Texas. The fifteen residents of the assisted living facility were air-lifted out Sunday afternoon.

The waters are still rising, much more rain is expected, and they are being forced to open up the reservoirs in Texas so that the dams don't collapse.

Last time we had a major flood, in Louisiana, our demented narcissistic president and his ineffectual apologist sidekick delivered Play-Doh to the hungry, thirsty, tired, scared, and destroyed. Play-Doh!


TEC said...

That is an amazing photo, the elderly waiting for rescue in the assisted living home. But for water at table level, it has the look of a normal get- together in the day room. Is one lady knitting? Those folks are tough. They got to that age for a reason, and know how to roll with punches. Hypothermia is a scientific fact, so wonderful news that they were saved. -- TEC

LRM said...

Every time I see that image from La Vita Bella, my heart breaks. It doesn't even matter that I know they were eventually evacuated... I can't bear to think of the terror and helplessness they faced. And now, they get to try and rebuild.

I wonder if the Texas delegation still wants to shut down the federal government?
