Monday, September 16, 2013

Deep Shame and Crap Communication

The above Facebook graphic would be deemed to be a complete FAILURE in any Communications 101 class.

Read it, and you hear the word SHAME.

Nixon's "not a crook" means he was a crook.

Clinton's "I did not have sex with that woman" means he had sex with that woman.

Is this the product of the very expensive Edelman public relations campaign commissioned by the rapidly collapsing American Kennel Club?  Who knows? 

The AKC account seems to have been turned over to a 25-year old.  Perfect! 

Of course, Edelman has always been the last refuge of the contemptible and desperate.  You go to Edelman when you have no other lifeboat. This is the company after all, that served as paid apologists for cigarettes even as that product killed 500,000 Americans a year.  Now this same company are paid apologists for WalMart wages.  Wonderful!

And so why would Edelman not serve as paid apologists for the last gasp of the eugenics movement... paid apologists for dogs purposely bred to be defective, diseased and deformed?

It's a perfect union.

Here's an idea!  

How about combing the old tobacco and cancer campaign, and the new defective dog campaign?  

May I suggest the campaign logo below?



Peter Apps said...

When Joe or Joan Public sees that on facebook they will start wondering" Why even mention it ??, are some people ashamed of their dog breeders ?, why would someone be ashamed of a dog breeder ?, are some dog breeders not ethical ?" "Let's just Google it and see what comes up ....." Whoops.

Unknown said...

Dear sir. My name is Guadalupe Rivera. I am a pet owner. I do not work for the AKC. I made that image to use it as MY facebook profile picture. I am not a graphic designer. I am just a pet owner who was bullied by people who are rather extreme about rescue. That image is NOT part of any campaign but just MY personal way to stand up to those who were bullying ME on MY personal facebook page. If you do not like it I cordially encourage you to do better. Best regards.

PBurns said...

Good to know this was not actually paid for by the AKC!

What does "rather extreme about rescue mean?"

I have yet to meet such people, and I wonder what it is that you do that makes such people flock to you?


As for doing better than your "apology for breeders," I am not in the business of defending dog breeders, "responsible" or otherwise.

In a world where 2 million dogs that would make fine pets are being killed every year, I am not even sure what the word "responsible breeder" even means.

Do you?

Seriously, how do you define "responsible breeder" in a world where there are 6,600 dachshunds right now on Pet Finder?

You are a breeder of dachshunds.

But WHY?

There are thousands and thousands of fine dachshunds in rescue right now, and more coming ever day. Why breed more dachshunds other than for money?

Do you work your dachshunds?

I notice that you say that the dogs in shelters are dumped there by people who acquired the dogs -- they were not dumped there by breeders.

Yep. And yet those dogs were acquired from breeders, weren't they: backyard breeders, professional breeders, puppy mill breeders, AKC breeders, non-AKC breeders, and casual idiot breeders and intelligent PhD breeders too. You fit in there somewhere, no doubt.

So I agree that dogs are generally dumped in shelters by owners. But so what? What does that have to do with YOUR decision to breed more dogs no one needs while thousands of dogs are being killed?

Oh right. You are not breeding DOGS.

If people want a dachshund DOG, they go to Pet Finder or rescue.

But if they want a PUPPY they go to someone like you.

You sell them PUPPIES (not dogs), and that is what they want, and never mind if they actually end up with a DOG. Breeders are selling the PUPPY experience, NOT the dog reality.

So can I do better that you at selling PUPPIES? At selling breeders?

Actually, yes, but I am not interesting in that kind of sales. I am interested in DOGS. And yes, I can do better at telling the truth to puppy buyers about the reality of DOGS.

See here: >>

Will that image help you sell dogs? No, probably not. But it might help you rehome cats!


Retrieverman said...

You found Gideon on Petfinder?

Unknown said...

Sir. As I mentioned before, I am not a breeder, I am a pet owner. You are making assumptions about MY personal facebook profile photo, which I do not have a clue pf how it ended up in your hands. I do not make assumptions about you, your dogs or your credentials. However, you posted MY facebook profile photo making assumptions of its origin and purpose. I only wanted to clarify that. I most certaily do not wish to discuss my private life or preferences with a total stranger, nor do I have to justify MY Personal Facebook profile picture to YOU. If you do not like my facebook profile picture you are free to never look at it. If you want to believe it came from the AKC and its part of a campaign by all means do. I just wanted to clarify its origin because your information and theory were not accurate.
Best regards from this pet owner.

PBurns said...

Retrieverman!! The stalker returns! Gideon came from a kennel where she had spent three years. She did not know how to climb stairs, is an in-house marker and carries PLL. In short, a working dog that was not worked, that needed a home where she got a lot of attention. If you want a dog like that, Pet Finder is full of them... How many can I put you down for? As I recall you are "one and done" for all dogs in your lifetime? A retriever man whose dogs do not retrieve? Sorry I am not following you. Nice to see you cannot stay away from me.

PBurns said...

Guadalupe Rivera, if you defend AKC breeders (which you do -- shall I quote the posts for you?) and create graphics like this, and then you claim you are being badgered by rescue extremists, the world will draw its own conclusions. All I know is that the world is ass deep in dachshunds that need rescue and instead of standing for those who cannot talk, you are standing with the money. And you answer no questions, apparently. Got it.

Gina said...

Edelman is bad, but Ketchum is worse. Or maybe that's just today. You've likely read "Toxic Sludge Is Good for You," but I recommend it for others.

A more entertaining version of the same general themes would be Buckley's "Thank You for Smoking" (the book's far better than the movie, IMO).