Saturday, August 24, 2013

A Visit to Lucketts

Anyone know what the sixth item down is?  I didn't until I read the tag.  


Pishkeen said...

Looks like a bit of harness, but I'm not clear on which piece. Clues?

PBurns said...

A "bull blinder" which is used to block out a bull's vision so he can be led around without killing you or others (including cows). The bull could only look straight down with these on.

geonni banner said...

Are you sure it's not a chastity belt?

PBurns said...

Never seen a real chastity belt, but these are bull blinders, for sure. See >>

geonni banner said...

Well gosh, Patrick! I thought you had seen just about everything. Well, take a gander at this...