Sunday, June 02, 2013

At the First Church of Field & Stream


1 comment:

Rick said...

On lookout one night, I asked the 3rd Mate about Orion, high in the sky. He told me all about the scene before us: "See Orion there? He's got his shield up, getting ready to strike with his sword, fighting Taurus the Bull. See that bright star to the right? Aldebaran, one of the bull's eyes, and those two up above are the tips of his horns. He and Orion are going at it! Now, see that bright star to the left of Orion? Sirius, the Dog Star. That's the eye of the Big Dog, Canis Major. He's back there, yipping away, telling Orion to "kick that bull's ass!" High up there on the right we have the Seven Sisters, the Pleiades, and they're admiring the way Orion is fighting, he's kinda showing off for them. And even though we can't see her now, Cassiopeia is up there, circling the North Star. She's Orion's girlfriend, but he caught her messing around behind his back, and he banished her to the sky, so he could keep an eye on her."

On our next trip, the 3rd Mate, Jim Jackson, died of a heart attack in the middle of the night. We buried him at sea the next day, at noon, on a clear day in May, 1971, somewhere between Taiwan and the Phillippines, in the South China Sea. I see it as my duty to spread his interpretation of these stories.