Thursday, January 03, 2013

Puggles with Four-headed Penises

This is a public service announcement about baby Echidna's, a type of Australian egg-laying mammal. 

Can you name another egg-laying mammal? 

Can you name two?


MWheeler said...

Platypus is one, as to the other I have no clue.

PBurns said...

You got it! There are no others -- just the Platypus, and 4 or 5 different kinds of echidnas.

I am not above trick questions! :)


Seahorse said...

"Always remember that." Hellfire, it's not like I can ever un-see that! It definitely makes me feel very fortunate...


Jenn said...

Ha! You got me!

I was all 'The Platypus... wait a minute, TWO?'

Well played!