Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Boxing the Badger

Here we have a brave young fellow catching a wild badger with bare hands, a blanket, and a dog kennel.

He does a very good job, but absent a sheet or blanket, I think he could have gotten the same result by getting the badger to bite on his hat or a stick while he tailed the animal from the rear. I have done this with quite a number of other critters in the past -- fox, groundhog and raccoon.  You have to be quick and keep your wits about you, but I have all my fingers (so far!).  A hat tip to Mike Bilbo for the video!

How tough is an American badger?  Here's a short video of a Rhodesian Ridgeback trying to do his best.  Suffice to to say that no badger was harmed in the making of this video!


Seahorse said...

Interesting, but what was the end game?


PBurns said...

Not sure if there is one -- it was just there, like the mountain. And like the mountain, it was a challenge.

What's interesting to me is that the ground squirrel population here is apparently so thick that this badger has not been eating his way out of his buffet. Most badgers will spend a week or two in an area and then move on after drawing down the rodent population. Our badgers are not like their European counterparts - ours wander and do not take up permanent residency.


Seahorse said...

Odd, because they crated the badger and drove off with it. If they'd wanted just to see if they could catch it, they did. And then what? I've always been fascinated by badgers and wolverines. Probably too much "Wild Kingdom" in my childhood. In my collection of oddities I have a wolverine baculum. Just because.
