This Whitetail buck was struck by a car just as young and hungry black bear happened by.

Mother Nature takes care of the rest.

No, wildlife does not die on a morphine drip with Mozart on the stereo.

And yes, bears do eat meat when they can.
There are now about 500,000 black bear in the U.S.
I'm not sure where these photos come from (New Jersey and Virginia have both been suggested), but black bears are thriving all over, with more than 4,000 black bears in New Jersey and maybe 22,000 in Virginia.

Entrails are generally the first course for any predator. This bear will be full long before it gets to the back strap or rump.
Huge hat tip to Teddy M. for sending along these photos!
"And yes, bears do eat meat when they can."
Uh...did someone doubt that?
Great photo lineup. What a lucky bear!
I thought it was Beethoven's Pastoral.
Bethoven''s Pastoral would be the right tune ;)
That or "Welcome to the Jungle".
Amazing pictures, but really wearing a fur coat and eating meat! What would Ingrid say?
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