The good news, for those who want to get into the world of digging, is that five of the old collar and box sets have come on the market here in the USA.
The seller is Ray H. in New Jersey, who can can be contacted at FOXHUNTERDERRY@YAHOO.COM.
If you want a phone number, send me an email and I will forward that number to you.
For those wondering, those are my old locator collars and box pictured below. Mine are a bit battered, but I have a spare box and a least two more collars beyond the two I use on my own dogs, so I am in good kit. More on how to use a locator collar -- and how to make the Mark I locator collars last forever --at this page on the web site
Any real differences in the old vs. newer Deben systems except range? Just wondering.
Underneath the wrapping, the technology is the same. The main difference, other than the price, is that the old Mark I's need to be wrapped with tape to keep them dry and coated with a hard epoxy like JB Weld to keep them from wearing out. The new kit is a lot more expensive and is waterproof out of the box.
Thanks for the explanation. I saw the difference in price, even from the last time I checked them on the JRTCA site. I didn't think the range improvement was much to be concerned about (How far down can your dog really go? Seemed like the old system would handle the distance with no problem), but didn't really know. Just always trying to learn something, thanks!
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