Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Iggy Pop :: King of the Dogs (Live)

Iggy still has it -- and then some! This man is 62 years old, and his toenail clipping are crazier and cooler than any of us will ever be. Iggy's new album, Preliminaires, has two songs about dogs on it. The other song is called "Machine for Loving," and is a "talkie" if you can imagine in it.



Rocambole said...

Iggy was on Fresh Air yesterday. I was not thrilled, but had veggies to process, so I listened.

He was amazing! It is so worth going to the NPR website and listening to the podcast.


PBurns said...

Link here >> http://www.npr.org/templates/player/mediaPlayer.html?action=1&t=1&islist=false&id=104735787&m=104735785

: )

Crazy, crazy cool.

The Suburban Bushwacker said...

Once upon a time Iggy was old enough to be my dad, now every year I get a little older and Iggy's getting younger. BAH!

Daniel Gauss said...

Iggy was never old enough to be my father. In fact we're the same age, but he was a year behind me at Ann Arbor High School when he was just the drummer for a garage band called the Iguanas (not those Iguanas) and his name was Jim Osterberg. And he was on the tennis team and debate teams. When I saw him a couple years after high school, the transformation was amazing. He earned his chops.