Friday, January 16, 2009

Thanks for Helping, George W. Bush!

Sure this is masochistic stupidity, but is it any worse that what goes on in this country every day? Just remember: Half of America voted for George W. Bush ... TWICE.

But, as a recent essay noted, there's a small upside there; We now absolutely know what doesn't work. As Robert Creamer puts it:

History will record that George W. Bush made one critically important contribution to our country -- and to the entire world. He and his administration provided unquestionable proof of the bankruptcy of radical-conservative ideology, and set the stage for a qualitatively different progressive era in American politics. By actually putting into practice the Neo-Conservative theories of pre-emptive war and unilateralism, George W. Bush demonstrated their failure more persuasively than could the most articulate progressive critic.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, amen to that.

It's just too bad my granddaughters, ages 8 and 6, who are among the sharper tacks in the box, will probably be part of the cleanup crew when they grow up.

Age 8 wants to be a marine biologist. She'll have her work cut out for her.

Age 6 loves, loves, loves bugs. Who knows where that will lead?

As per the Atlantic article last year, the unwinding begins on Tuesday! The Dark Ages are...almost...over.