Sunday, December 09, 2007

Wildlfe In the Yard

It snowed!
Fox, raccoon, two colors of squirrel, and a cardinal that was feeding so early in the morning, that it was really night time. The color on the cardinal is off as I had to really lighten the picture and turn up the contrast to see what it was.

One more night with the camera in this location, and then I will move it to the goldfish pond and see what I can find there. Maybe nothing.

I'm a bit surprised I have not gotten a possum on the camera yet -- the fox might be driving them off.

I may put the camera on a bird feeder too, just to see what turns up. I know I have one feeder that is raided by raccoon pretty often. I would like to see how he gets past the squirrel baffles! Easily, apparently.


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