Saturday, October 01, 2005

A Simple Fox Feeder

I moved several bird feeders from the back yard to the front several weeks ago, and ever since then our house has been visited every night by a fox that has been poaching spilled bird seed.

I like fox, so I put together a simple fox feeder made of PVC tubing (painted grey-green to camoflage it), with a Y-tube on the bottom. Dry kibble dog food is loaded into the top of the tube, which is capped to keep out rain water.

I have actually not see the fox yet, as I am not willing to wait up that late at night, but it has marked the bird feeder, and every approach to it, with scat. Particularly rich food sources are often "marked off" to send very clear signals to potential interlopers. Apparently my little feeder is seen as very nice buffet.

I have put the fox feeder and one of the multi-bird feeders right outside the greenhouse, which has a hot tub inside it, so if I ever decided to stay up for a soak one snowy night, I might yet get a viewing of Mr. Reynard. In the interim, I hope he enjoys himself.

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