Camilla's border and bedlington show interest in the noise coming out of a pipe that started about 15 feet away and exited inside this stump (yes animals do plan this stuff out!).
Sailor is a little less interested, because he knows the secret -- what's coming out is Mountain (below).
Sailor bolted a very nice vixen at the first hole of the day -- a surprise as it was just an ordinary groundhog hole without any kickout or bits of food about. The vixen looked to be in fine fettle, and dashed across a small clearing to a nearby hedgerow. Shortly afterwards, two small dark grey kits tumbled out. We scooped them back into the den (Sailor had by now exited), and I cursed that I had left the camera in the car (the pictures above are from later in the day).
Camilla had seen a hole up the field with a groundhog in it, and sure enough it was there. This was a hard hole, however, with a small groundhog in a tight and deep pipe digging away the whole time. We got it, but I was pretty tired after knocking in a few too many holes in a fairly deep sette. My first sun burn of the year too!
Cyna the Border goes in, while Spanner the Bedlington waits for his opporunity.
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