Thursday, October 02, 2008

Is John McCain a Bunny Hugger?

Would you vote for a candidate ....

If so, vote for John McCain.

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Would you vote for a candidate

that got only a 20 percent approval rating from HSUS?

If so, vote for Barack Obama.

Or John McCain.

You see, they had identical voting records with HSUS in 2005, when they each rejected four out of five pieces of legislation being proposed by the Humane Society of the U.S.

And, for the record, Barack Obama and John McCain agreed on the same piece of legislation which would have banned selling horse meat for human consumption.

The idea behind that piece of legislation is that if sale of horse flesh to Europe (where it is a popular food) is banned, there will be no incentive to make a decision to end an old horse's life before the last possible moment.

According to the Humane Society of the U.S., a horse should be more than old and unrideable; it should be falling down, starving, and in pain before it is put down.

I understand.

And I will concede that good people will come to different conclusions on that matter.

End of life decisions are never easy, and they are even harder for animals that straddle cultural barriers between pet and farm stock. Some people have pet chickens. In some cultures they eat dogs, in other cultures they pray to cows.


Now let's look at that 20-percent approval rating from the Humane Society of the U.S.

Does it mean John McCain and Barack Obama are evil men who enjoy torturing puppies at night?

Of course not!

It simply means the Humane Society of the U.S. was pushing beyond common sense that year, and making its case very poorly in the halls of Congress.

They do that a lot.

But not all the time.

Just as a blind pig will eventually find an acorn, so the Humane Society of the United States sometimes finds a position that deserves support.

And sometimes they find supporters like John McCain who is the fellow at the top of this post who got a 100% approval rating from The Humane Society of the United States.

That same year -- 2002 -- John McCain also got a 100% approval rating from the Doris Day Animal League, the Animal Protection Institute, the Fund for Animals, and the Society for Animal Protective Legislation.

Does that mean John McCain opposes all hunting and fishing and wants to return poodles back to the wild?

Of course not!

John McCain still wears his $525 Italian calf-leather shoes, and Cindy McCain still wears her leather coat.

In fact, from what I understand, John McCain was wearing those nice fancy Italian shoes the day he filmed this public service announcement advocating the end of gun shows.

No, John McCain doesn't own a gun, and he doesn't hunt, but I promise you he's not "in the tank" for everything the Humane Society of the U.S. has to offer.

I promise.

In fact, I think John McCain is fine with hunters and anglers and most Second Amendment stuff.

Never mind that 100 percent approval rating that John McCain had with the Doris Day Animal League and the Fund for Animals.

Never mind that John McCain has been called "one of the premier flag-carriers for the enemies of the Second Amendment’’ by the National Rifle Association.

I promise you John McCain will be a friend to hunters and anglers.

Not that I can actually recall a single time in which hunting and fishing issues have ever been negatively decided by a U.S. President.

Bush I? Clinton? Bush II? Reagan? Carter? Nixon? Ford? LBJ? Kennedy? Eisenhower? Truman? FDR?

No, no, no, no, no, no, no , no, no, no, no and nope.


Maybe hunting and fishing and guns are not Presidential issues? Now there's a thought!

No matter. Either way, I am pretty sure you don't have to worry about John McCain in the White House.

Or Barack Obama either for that matter.

The guy to worry about is . . . Joe Lieberman.



an American in Copenhagen said...

FYI just as many horses end up going to slaughter as ever. Now they just ship them to Canada or Mexico. And to top it oof they're often transported in cattle cars which don't have enough head room. Awesome!

sassanik said...

As a horse owner and lover I have to say that the legislation banning horses from slaughter has not really helped the situation. Instead the horses are being shipped off to mexico or canada, or simply being turned loose in national parks or on local ranches. While in an ideal world no horse should need to go to slaughter, the reality is that the service was needed. Instead of being sold to meat buyers the horses are now being left to starve. A lingering death over what would have been quicker? Is that truely more humane?