Friday, October 03, 2008

Question Answered

Yes, Sarah Palin really is that stupid.

Now we know.

She dodged questions, talked a stream of consciousness that can only be decribed as complete babble, flip-flopped within her own answers, and (my favorite) said McClellan was leading our troops in Afghanistan. McClellan? Really? Damn. How long has this war be going on?

As Harold Meyerson noted in his column in the local paper (The Washington Post):

"She responded to any question that required real-time thinking by ignoring it and dredging up a canned answer from the McCain campaign’s canned-answer pool.... Palin was the kid from the sticks who was still standing when it was done.... [H]er performance was a marvel of its kind -- dissociated, jumbled, at times completely contradictory (“you build up infrastructure and rein in government spending,” she prescribed at one point: Huh?), with soundbites appearing and reappearing almost at random, but fast, happy, almost joyous: Made it through that five-minute question that I know nothing about without even pausing: Phew!

How American Scored the Debate:

  • CBS: Biden Wins
    Early numbers from a nationally representative poll of 473 uncommitted voters give Biden a significant edge: 46 percent say he won compared to 21 percent for Palin.

  • CNN: Biden Wins
    When asked who did the best job in the debate, 51 percent said Biden as compared to 36 percent for Palin. When asked who was qualified for the job, 87 percent said Biden was, as compared to only 42 percent for Palin.


Daniel Gauss said...

AAAAaaagghhhh! She just said "nuc-u-lar"!!!

Anonymous said...

And scarier than I thought. I mean, she wants MORE powers than Cheney has already wrought??? Holy sh*t...


Pai said...

Biden was very good, but you could tell he was trying very hard not to get labeled as being 'mean' or 'condescending' to Palin. His 'bridge to nowhere' rack was great, however.

Palin was just parroting talking points. For the love of God, I HATE how the Republicans keep going on about how terrorists hate us because of 'our freedom', it's just a blatant, insulting lie.

Anonymous said...

Wow. I watched and she did not impress me. I kept wondering where she put her beauty pageant sash because other than her blatantly pandering with "folksy" words like "joe six-pack" "hockey-mom" etc she sounded just like typical pageant contestants when they get to the questions round.

And really, the smug smiles and winking is really inappropriate for the gravity of the office she seeks.

A total ass-hat. Her suit was nice though.

M. Evans

Anonymous said...

The thought of this woman being "one heartbeat away" from the Presidency, which could be literally true, makes my blood run cold. I watched as much as I could stand, about half of it. Words strung together with no content, hoping that no one was really listening. Madly studying her notes while Biden was speaking. And what was with the winking?

A (practically) dead white male and a ignorant neocon wingnut female running the country. Great. That'll make us safer fer sure. Golly gee.

Anonymous said...

I just had to hurt myself some more, so I watched the replay of the debate this evening. Palin was an insult to my parrots, who FAR more often than she make perfect sense, and appear to think on their own. All the "folksy" crap ran completely empty when on the heels of Biden's emotional moment recounting his wife and daughter's deaths Palin plunged right back into "Maverick Chat". In the real world of cowboys and cattle, do you know what happens to "mavericks"? They get made into burger a lot sooner than the rest because they are mindless trouble-makers. And the perky bullshit was too much. Is the GOP running someone to hold the second-highest position in the land, or Marlo Thomas in "That Girl"? "Golly gee, Donald, lookie there at that really WHITE house!"

Bless her heart, she's just stoopid.