Saturday, October 05, 2024

Hayden Valley Coyote

The Hayden Valley is a vast area that was once a lake created by a glacial dam that has since melted, leaving behind a rolling expanse of marshy grassland where Bison and Elk calf in the Spring, and where Wolves and Grizzlies predate.

At this time of year, the grass has mostly gone brown, and though we saw a large number of Bison nearby, none were in the valley itself. 

Elk? Cloud-hidden, whereabouts unknown. Apparently it is still too warm for them to come down from the high country above 8,000 feet.

I rolled into the Hayden Valley at about noon, whichpp is a terrible time to spot wildlife.  The area is so large it was a miracle that I spied a tiny dot moving in the yellow grass — a coyote mousing among the water hummocks.  

This coyote was very far away — these pictures were taken with an 83x lens and then cropped.

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