Sunday, September 08, 2024

The Fraternal Order of Police Is the KKK

The KKK and the police are too often the same people.

Need evidence?

Consider this:  the Fraternal Order of Police — the police union — is endorsing the white, twice impeached, 34-count convicted felon, adjudicated rapist, and serial fraudster, and not the black prosecutor and former California Attorney General who as Vice President has called for more police and stronger border enforcement.

Need more evidence?

Consider how police treat the black innocent versus white mass murderers.

▪️Colt Gray murders 4 — arrested alive

▪️Dylan Roof murders 9 — arrested alive

▪️Payton Gendron murders 10 — arrested alive

▪️Nikolas Cruz murders 17 — arrested alive

▪️Patrick Crusius murders 23 — arrested alive

Tamir Rice, Aiyana Jones, Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, Eric Garner?   

All were unarmed and innocent, and were killed immediately.a

While Black people are only half as likely to be armed as white folks, police kill Black people at over 3 times the rate as for whites. 

As Qasim Rashid notes, “a system cannot fail those it was never meant to protect”.

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