Saturday, February 17, 2024

Trees for Bees

We got snow overnight —2 to 3 inches, but it melted off the driveway by 2 pm.

Spent a few hours yesterday putting in 7 of 9 small trees; two standard apples, three dogwoods, two crab apples.  This knoll is *hard* digging due to rock and clay, but hopefully the imported soil I used to fill in the holes will keep these trees alive.  I have one dogwood and one crabapple left to plant, but I’m playing Hamlet on location.

I’ve got 75 small slips coming later in the spring; 25 each of blackhaw, dogwood, and beauty berry. Hopefully I can plant these “hoedad” style with the heavy bar alone. We’ll see…

The stand for the coming bee hives is all set up, and I’ve provided a water source. The main nectar flow will come from the hundreds of acres of nearby trees — black locust, tulip poplar, black cherry, maple, oak, beech, etc.

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