Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Forcibly Removing a Lung, a Kidney, and a Liver

I am an adoptive parent of two now-grown children.

I used to sit on the board of an adoption agency. 

Long story short, it came to pass that I helped two Thai conjoined twins come to the US. Yes, REAL Siamese Twins. They were separated at CHOP (yes, I know) and adopted by a doctor and nurse.

Just a day or two after separation, the surgeon came to Virginia to attend a fundraiser for post-operative care (I was the auctioneer!) and I got to button-hole him to ask a medical question about the kids. His reply was that he used the appendix to solve the problem in question (they were short a bladder) and then he leaned in close and whispered in my ear: “God makes spare parts.”

I tell this story because you are the owner of spare parts. 

If you think taking someone else’s body autonomyaway from them is fine “to save the life of a child,” then I want you to sign up TODAY for surgery.

You see, people are literally DYING for your spare parts. They need your extra kidney, your extra lung, your extra liver.

To be clear, I want every forced-birther to VOLUNTARILY donate body parts today, but I also want forced-birthers to support MANDATORY forced organ donation from the living.

Because why should only pregnant women lose body autonomy? 

What? That’s outrageous?

Really? I can’t force you to give a kidney, or a liver, or a lung? Why not?

Why is YOUR body autonomy so special, and the real lives saved now of too little consequence?

How about blood and blood plasma? Can we force people to donate these in order to save a life? 

If they refuse to have a needle put in their arm and a bag of life-giving whole blood siphoned off every month, can we JAIL them and fine them for failing to protect human life?

Why not?  Let's get this legislation rolling TODAY.  

Let's see Amy Coney Barrett, Samuel Alito, Brett Kavanaugh, John Roberts, Clarence Thomas, and Neil Gorsuch not only endorse this legislation, but volunteer to donate their organs TODAY.

And let’s see all those who would ban abortion already standing in that line.

3 comments: said...

THANK YOU! The right to bodily autonomy is the most fundamental right of all. It is the right from which all other rights flow. Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness cannot be achieved without it.

The fact that the father of a dying child cannot be legally compelled by the state to offer even a drop of blood to save his own child's life, says all there needs to be said. Men have that right and now women do not.

It was never about the babies, it was and is always about the control of women's bodily autonomy by men in power. And the cruelty is the point.

As Clarence Thomas made very clear in his writings after the Dobbs ruling: they intend to go after Griswold next. They will outlaw birth control.

kelly said...

Amen!! and Amen to Lucypup2009!!

Dana Stillinger said...

I thought your blog post of Dec. 13th was very thought provoking. May I have permission to share it?

Dana Stillinger