Thursday, June 22, 2023

Show Me a Sign


Viatecio said...

I'm also a fan of saying that we shouldn't be taking our water-filled meatbags beyond the bounds of where they absolutely cannot account for or accommodate to the immediate environment, especially for sport or entertainment. said...

Agreed. I'm also tired of privatizing the profits, and socializing the risks. Why did the American tax payer have to spend millions of dollars trying to 'rescue' these folks when the Navy already knew for at least a couple days that they were already dead? Have them sign a waiver that a rescue is too dangerous and won't be forthcoming. Done. I'm sure they signed plenty of waivers for OceansGate or whatever the parent company's name was. And no, I don't care that it was used for training for the Coast Guard and/or Navy. They should be training plenty without having to go recover the wreck of a billionaire's non-viable submersible.