Thursday, June 08, 2023

RadWagon4 Defective Factory Install

My Radwagon4 hub motor (bought in 2022) disintegrated at just over 600 miles. Stored inside a dry shed and ridden on C&O towpath. Rad customer support useless. Ordered Bafang motor and controller, etc. — $550 outlay. Bike shop switched out the hub motor. This is what it looked like inside.

The hub motor was clearly put on defective, as the bearings left the chase and ground up the gears (you can see where the bearings pitted and wrecked the gears). 

A loose install by Rad also let dirt (and probably water) inside the hub motor. To be clear: I do not ride this bike in the rain and/or through mud. If this bike was put together properly at the factory, this should not have happened.  What looks like rust is actually red dust from the clay towpath.  (You wouldn’t make a motor put of metal that rusts).  The unit was installed so loose that not only the bearings fell out, but clay dust got in.

I will contact Rad, but I have little faith they will do right.  Hope to be wrong.

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