Friday, February 10, 2023

The Law of Unintended Consequences

When Charles Darwin set out his Theory of Evolution, how was he to know that his cousin, Francis Galton, would hammer his theory into a new "science" of eugenics and that this "science" would be used to justify forced sterilization and mass murder some 50 years later?

When the Smokey Bear campaign was created, who could have imagined it would result in massive fuel loads in American forests that would result in crown-fire conflagrations?

When European powers created a set of interlocking alliances designed to preserve peace, who would imagine they would result in a World War set off by a single gun shot... or that the peace treaty signed at the end of that World War I would sow the seeds for the next?

No one who built a dam to stop flooding ever aimed to kill fish migration anymore than a couple having a child set out to chainsaw a forest or fill a landfill with disposable diapers.

Proponents of religion and free market capitalism rarely embrace the horrors done in the name of those ideas.

No one voting for Bernie Sanders or Jill Stein in 2016 intended to propel Donald Trump into the oval office.

But there it is. Unintended consequences.

It's the Law.

1 comment:

Dave said...

Smokey Bear and not Smokey The Bear
Sorta like Bugs The Bunny