Sunday, November 06, 2022

Coffee and Provocation

Follow That Eel!

Wildlife tracking has finally allowed scientists to track European eels the entire way back to their breeding grounds in the Sargasso Sea. It was known they swarmed off the Azores and later appeared to show up in the Sargasso Sea (a sea-weed choked area with low currents).

Made in America
Scotland's favorite soft drink, Irn-Bru originated in New York, USA in 1889 as IRONBREW

Genius Caps?
Dunce caps were originally popularized by philosopher and theologian John Duns Scotus who thought pointy hats helped funnel knowledge to the mind. His followers wore "Dunce Caps " which, by the 1500s, had fallen out of favor and suggested the wearer was a bit dense.

The Sky Is the Linit
China has more skyscrapers than the next 13 countries combined.

Faster, Faster, Faster!
A single chip has managed to transfer the entire internet's traffic in a single second.

Sugar Does Not Do That
Sugar does not cause hyperactivity in children. This myth is based on a single 1978 study, and no subsequent study has shown a relationship.

O Death, Where Is Thy Sting?
French beekeeper Denis Jaffré lost half his beehives to invasive Asian hornets, so he invented a baited trap that traps and kills hornets but leaves bees free to come and go.

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