Thursday, October 13, 2022

Wee Wolf Misses the Deer for the Grass

I was running Moxie loose, in front of the bike, when I spied a small deer frozen down the path.  A quick whistle and application of the brakes, and Moxie stopped to graze on grass; I don’t think she even knew the deer was there. I took the lens off the camera, squeezed off a few shots, whistled again, and the deer disappeared and Moxie and I were off on our way without a ripple of drama. 

1 comment: said...

Good job, Moxie! This reminds me of how proud I was to be able to get my very bouncy, 10 month old 90 lb mix to do a quick respectable sit/stay on the side of the trail while a few deer trotted by. She wanted to follow so badly she could barely hold, but proofing works. She looked to me instead of breaking and I knew she was going to be one of the great ones. Rock solid trail dog, always.