Thursday, March 31, 2022

30 Million in Lockdown as Robot Dogs Bark Warnings


Eric Feigl-Ding, a Shanghai-born epidemiologist and health economist reports that Shanghai, a city of nearly 30 million, has shut down and gone into isolation as a Covid-19 omicron variant sweeps through the population. 

City streets are empty, and so too are the shelves in food stores. 

Robot "dogs" are patrolling the streets barking warnings to residents to stay inside and isolate.


Along with Shanghai, city-wide COVID-19 lockdowns are in effect in:

  • Shenzhen (12.5 million)
  • Dongguan (10.5 million)
  • Langfang (5.5 million)
  • Jilin province (24 million)
  • Xian (13 million)
That's over 90 million people in complete Covid lockdown.

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